Some self-evident truths

Imagine a friend of yours moved to a new city or country and, after a while, started to bombard you with everything that the new place had to offer. Surprisingly, everything he shares is amazing […]

Why learning a new language matters

I’m a polyglot; I speak a couple of languages, and I cannot stress enough the benefits of picking up a new language. As a simple illustration, I can’t even imagine […]

My bargaining approach

Some people who are accustomed to fixed rates dislike haggling and all the headaches it might involve (such as overcharging and time waste…). On my side, I like haggling […]

Making friends gets harder as we age

It’s no secret that as we get older, our ability and tendency to make friends declines; it’s a law of life. If you look around in your circle, you’ll likely find that the majority of the solid, long-lasting […]

The blessing of anonymity

Lots of people fancy fame and the attention that celebrities get wherever they go, but few people are fully aware of the downsides of being a famous person […]

What I love about chess

I was a kid in elementary school when I first learned how to play chess. Smartphones didn’t exist back then (thank God!), and even computers weren’t that common […]

Why you should always do a great job

Let me tell you something to always keep in mind: life is often much more equitable than we think. When you do a quality job, there are many ways to get rewarded […]

The power of genuine compliments

A few days ago I was hiking in one of my favorite towns in my homeland. The hike itself wasn’t challenging; technically, you’d walk for around 30 minutes uphill till you reach a spot […]

How I became a Judoka

Sometime in my twenties, and as part of my personal self-development journey, I decided to pick one martial art, devote myself to it, and make it a lifelong hobby of mine […]

The blessing of ignorance

I was recently watching a video about the New Year celebrations around the world (yeah, the fireworks and all that…) when suddenly I got absorbed into an interesting reflection […]

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